
Network Security/ Infrastructure / Azure

Network Security/ Infrastructure / Azure

Content of this issue:

  • Public cloud
    - Azure Active Directory
    - Azure resources
  • On-premise
    - Active Directory
    - Interconnection with Azure AD
    - RDS/RDWeb implementation
    - Privileged account management (access to the critical resources of infrastructure)
  • Azure Security
    - Identity, RBAC, Policies, Resource Locks
    - PIM, Conditional Access Policy, MFA
  • Networking - Public cloud (Azure)
    - Interconnection with on-prem  IPSec VPN, ExpressRoute
    - Peering within Azure environment
    - Azure Firewall + routing
    - VNET integration, private links (resources localization into internal network)
    - Network troubleshooting
    - Azure Virtual WAN
  • Networking – on prem